Brotherly Love

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I haven't yet blogged about how much Joseph LOVES Michael. He's always hugging and kissing him and bringing him toys (and food, yikes!). The other day we were at Costco and Joseph was sitting in the seat of the cart, and Michael was in his car seat in the back of the cart. The entire time, Joseph reached behind and held Michael's hand. As a matter of fact, Joseph is obsessed with holing Michael's hand and sometimes I have to tell Joseph to leave Michael alone. It's so cute to watch how excited Joseph gets when Michael is around. I can't wait until the day that they can actually play together. It's going to be awesome. Here's a picture that shows how much Joseph loves Michael. You'd think that he's reaching for my hand, but in fact, he's reaching for Michael.

Me Ka Aloha

- Elisabeth