The Kids Said...

Monday, December 10, 2012

1. Rosie - "Look how beautiful this is. When people come over and see my picture, they're going to be so surprised that they'll get the hiccups!"

2. Loved hearing Rosie tell Joseph bedtime stories last night. She makes them up herself.. "once upon a time, in the land of dragons, snakes, and barbies...." Joseph always responds with "that was a great story!".

3. Me- "Joseph, what do you want to name the baby?"
Joseph - "awesome"

4. Rosie "mommy, did you make chicken nuggets and fries?"
Me "No, I made chicken and mashed potatoes."
Rosie (run into the other room in a panic) "I hate that mommy!"

5. While watching Dave play a game on the iphone
Rosie - "Daddy, Mommy is the best at this game, but you're the best at trying."
6. Conversation I overheard between Rosie and Joseph
Roise- "Joseph, why are you so handsome?"
Joseph - "because I'm awesome!"

7. Joseph - "Daddy is the best!"
Me - "oh that's nice."
Joseph - "and you're awful."
Me - "Daddy's the best and I'm awful? That's not nice."
Joseph - "you're just jealous!"

8. Rosie- "Joseph is still waiting for more teeth. (pointing to the gap between his front two teeth) see, he's missing one there."

Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth

Where the heck have I been?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

I KNOW, it's been a while! I haven't been feeling well because....

I'm pregnant!!! That's right, you read that correctly. Baby #4 will be here around the same time that Joseph and Michael were born. 

Morning sickness, I mean ALL DAY sickness has been at an all time high, and I'm just now starting to feel a tad bit better, thanks to diclectin. We aren't going to find out what we're having, as always, but my mom thinks it's a girl. 

We'll see...

Me Ka Aloha

- Elisabeth