Amazing Day!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Yesterday was great! Lately Michael hasn't been the best napper, and Joseph is going through the usual terrible twos, and Rosie's been sick, so you can see how not-fun it's been around here. Then a miracle happened. They ALL took a NAP at THE SAME TIME!!!!! It gave me some much needed peace and quiet, something I haven't had in a while. Thank you kids!

On another note, last night Dave and I cleaned up the toy room. Most days there's a million toys scattered all over the floor and when night time comes, I'm too exhausted to do anything about it, so it stays. Any way, this morning it was clean! Joseph came down to the playroom, and in a very concerned voice said "there's no more toys!". Haa haa I had to show him that he still had toys, they were just in their toy buckets.

Well, Michael just woke up from him cat nap.... I'm off!

Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth