Savior of the World, Half Way Point

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Two performances down, three to go! Things have been going pretty good so far. There's been a few microphone glitches, early or late music cues, but all in all things have been great! One thing I've been struggling with is getting my harmonies during the "Alleluias" but during the last performance I nailed it!!
So on Saturday, my dear friend Rebecca announced that she's been sick and she's having troubles singing. AHHH!!! She's Mary Magdalene and sings a pretty long solo! Poor girl, had a tough time getting those high notes and started crying during the second verse. There she was, four feet from the front row, with tears streaming down her face as she sang "where is he who dried the tears, of the suffering soul?" SO, I guess it really fit with the scene and the lyrics. A few people thought that it was amazing and that she should do it like that every week. She came off stage and burst into tears, but then said "there must be someone in the crowd that needed to see that." She's totally right. Her performance must have helped someone feel the spirit and touched people's hearts. I know, from backstage it sounded really authentic and she sounds great, even when she's sick.

Well, we're a couple days away from Thursday's performance and more cast members have announced that they too are sick! Sheeeesh, what's going on??? The girl that plays Elisabeth (sings a solo) is sick. The guy that plays a shepherd and a disciple and sings a bunch of songs with harmonies, is also sick. The woman in charge of costumes is sick, a chorus member is sick, AND I'm getting sick too!!! I'm not sniffling or coughing, YET, but I feel that tickle in my throat, and that fatigue plaguing my system. I'm totally popping the vitamin C and drinking a lot of liquids to keep myself healthy. Admittedly, I went out for a 5 Km run tonight instead of resting but I've got to loose that muffin top. Yes, I'm THAT vain LOL!
Here's a picture of me and the girls in our costumes. If you read this, please pray that everyone gets better!

Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth