I feel like I've been waiting FOREVER for Joseph to actually crawl and for Rosie to actually sing. You see, Joseph has been successfully "army crawling" for a while now, and he's pretty darn fast too. I was expecting him to crawl around 6-8 months because other baby boys his age were crawling at SIX months and if was anything like Rosie, he'd be crawling at 8 months and 1 week, so I figured it would be somewh
ere in between. Well, I guess once he learned to army crawl, he decided that he was getting around just fine, so why crawl for real? He was doing fine "army crawling" to steal Rosie's toys, chew on the TV remote, and get himself off our bed. I have to admit that seeing him "army crawl" around, especially when he was eager to get something (which happened about 1000 times a day) was really, REALLY cute! Any way, like I said in my last post, I've been rehearsing for the Savior of the World play, and every time I'd come home, Dave would say that Joseph had been crawling for real. Dave said it was just a couple of steps, or knees, but still. I've seen him do that a few times myself but he never walked his hands forward.... UNTIL TODAY!! I caught him rocking back and forth on his hands and knees while trying to get into Rosie's tent. Then it happened!!! Joseph took 4 steps, er- crawls in a row. WAY TO GO BUDDY!!! He's still reverting to the army crawl most of the time, but I'm sure in the next few weeks we'll see the real deal more often. Now if only he could learn how to get himself out the pickle he's been getting into lately. He'll crawl over to a table, or chair, try to pull himself up to standing, get stuck, and cry until I remove him from the situation. Wow, all this moving around has actually made him a heck of a lot thinner. His waist isn't bulging out of his diapers any more. Is it bad to miss his chubbiness? I'm sure before I know it, he'll be walking around like a little man. Sheeesh , they grow way too fast!
So Rosie is finally singing. She would sometime say the words to a song, like "tappabells tappabells" that's jingle bells to those of you who don't understand Rosie talk, but never sing the melody. I was starting to get worried because I know A LOT of kids that have been singing since they were around 1 year old. I sing to Rosie every day and I couldn't understand why she wasn't singing too. Well the other day (as she was sitting in time out for emptying the kitchen drawers) I over heard her singing twinkle twinkle. She even knew all the words! Hurray!!!! Later that day I also heard her singing "animal crackers in my soup". She doesn't quite have the tune down perfectly, but it's a step in the right direction. Maybe she'll teach Joseph how to sing by his first birthday. Well, time to put my kiddos to bed. Me Ka Aloha - Elisabeth
Joseph is CRAWLING!!! Rosie is SINGING!!!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
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