I'm sure you've noticed from my last post that the kids have been pretty sick this year. We've had excessive vomiting (Rosie) every 15-20 minutes and she SCREAMED before and after every time, we've had ear infections (Joseph and Rosie), major skin rash (Rosie), fever (Michael, Rosie, Joseph), vomiting (Michael), coughing (Rosie and Michael), hallucinations with high fever (everyone but Dave), teething (Michael), and diarrhea (Joseph). We've been to the doctors at least 8 times this winter, and into the ER twice.
That's what happens when you send you kid to germ central aka school, and when your other kid sucks his thumb (after touching everything). Although we can't keep Rosie away from school, we CAN do something about the thumb sucking. I bought Joseph some Toy Story bandages and put them on his thumbs. He hasn't tried to suck his thumb in 24 hours! We decided that he'll get a reward if he goes thumb free for an entire week. Wonder which of the 2 options he'll choose?

Meka Aloha
- Elisabeth
- Elisabeth
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