I'm gonna make this quick...
Super Quick Post - my kids are so darn CUTE!
Monday, March 26, 2012Last night I overheard Joseph singing "somewhere over the rainbow" when he should have been in bed. He doesn't know all the words so he kept on repeating "somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue.... once in a lullaby!"
Tonight when we came home from Costco, Rosie was standing by the door, taking her sweet time coming inside. I opened the door and said "come on in Rosie!" She then said "oh I was just wishing on a star and I'm not finished yet."
Michael has learned to pull himself to standing and today he took a step while holding onto the couch!! I wonder if he'll walk sooner than the other two. He also learned to clap his hands, which is so adorable!
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
What a Punk!
Thursday, March 22, 2012Rosie: "Daddy please read this book to me."
Dave: "No honey, it's bedtime."
As per her usual strategy, after getting a "no" from one parent, she moves onto the next.
Rosie: "Mommy, what does this word say?"
Me: "Which word?"
Rosie: "All of them."
What a punk!
Posted by Elisabeth at 10:49 PM 0 comments
No more Thumbs!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012I'm sure you've noticed from my last post that the kids have been pretty sick this year. We've had excessive vomiting (Rosie) every 15-20 minutes and she SCREAMED before and after every time, we've had ear infections (Joseph and Rosie), major skin rash (Rosie), fever (Michael, Rosie, Joseph), vomiting (Michael), coughing (Rosie and Michael), hallucinations with high fever (everyone but Dave), teething (Michael), and diarrhea (Joseph). We've been to the doctors at least 8 times this winter, and into the ER twice.
That's what happens when you send you kid to germ central aka school, and when your other kid sucks his thumb (after touching everything). Although we can't keep Rosie away from school, we CAN do something about the thumb sucking. I bought Joseph some Toy Story bandages and put them on his thumbs. He hasn't tried to suck his thumb in 24 hours! We decided that he'll get a reward if he goes thumb free for an entire week. Wonder which of the 2 options he'll choose?

Meka Aloha
- Elisabeth
- Elisabeth
Posted by Elisabeth at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Labels: Joseph, Michael, Rosie, sick, thumb sucking
Spring is in the air!
Sunday, March 18, 2012Normally I hate winter. Seriously, I'm not into skiing, skating, hockey, being cold... I just hate it. However, this winter has been AWESOME! I don't think it was colder that -15 C and that lasted maybe a day. It hardly even snowed this year, and today the temperature is 22 C!! It would be amazing if every winter could be like this. I hope I'm not jinxing this wonderful weather.
Any way, March break was last week and it was very relaxing. It's so nice to have Rosie home from school and have Dave take time off seminary. There were days where we'd all sleep in until 9 and stay in our pajamas until lunch time. March break, unlike other holidays, was actually a break!
Here's a little update on the kids.
She's been so curious about everything. She's been super chatty and is constantly asking questions. One of her recent questions was "Mommy, how does the Daddy put the baby seed into a mommy's tummy? How does it get in there?" I told her we'd talk about it when she was older. The she said "why when I'm older?" Like I said, she asks a lot of questions. She LOVES wearing dresses and insists that she only looks beautiful when she's in a dress. We recently bought her the flower girl dress she'll be wearing to April's wedding and she feels like a princess in it. She twirls around and dances in it with the biggest smile on her face. It's adorable, really! Another funny thing she recently said was "Daddy, you're a crazy daddy and I am a beautiful woman." She also loves saying "no way Dad-A, no way Mom-A, no way, Jose-A, no way Mike-A." Rosie really wants a baby sister and talks about her all the time. She tells me that her baby sister will have hazel eyes and light brown/blonde hair. She even drew a picture of her baby sister the other day. We'll have to wait and see if she's right.
Joseph is learning to pronounce words really clearly and is expressing himself more and more. He has such a cute sounding voice! His favorite movie is Toy Story and he's constantly walking around with an arm full (or backpack full, or rain boot full) of Toy Story figurines and saying "to infinity and beyond... Buzz Light Year to the rescue.... there's a snake in my boot.... we're eternally grateful." Joseph absolutely adores Michael and loves to hold his hand. I think sometimes Michael gets annoyed with Joseph's constant hand holding, but I think it's adorable. Joseph loves being read to. Right now his favorite books are Green Eggs and Ham, Are you my Mother, and The Best Nest. He loves helping out in the kitchen ( I hope that lasts forever haa haa). He's always so excited to help load and unload the dishwasher and to put the soap in the dishwasher and push the start button. He also enjoys helping me make pesto. Joseph loves getting snuggles especially before bedtime. He transforms from a real boys boy, into a teddy bear when I lay down beside him before bed and sing him a song. Again, I hope that lasts forever.
So many things are going on in Michael's life. He's at the age where he's learning to do new things all the time. He can army crawl, sit on his own, and he even managed to crawl up a few stairs the other day. Last week I discovered a little blister on the toe he uses to push off with when he army crawls. He learned to pull himself to standing while holding on to some furniture, which he was very happy and excited about. He can also say "I did it" when we hold his hands and pull him to standing. He's learning about faces, and when asked, can point to a nose, mouth, and eyes. He was sick for 2 weeks recently which was really hard on the family. He spent those 2 weeks in my arms and wanted to breastfeed A LOT! Last week I took him to the doctor for his immunizations and he was soooooo good! He didn't fuss at all when the doctor was checking his eyes, ears, and listening to his heart. And, he didn't flinch, jump, whimper, or cry when he got his immunization! He's one tough cookie that's for sure. At the moment, he's teething (poor little guy) and going through a bit of separation anxiety, but can you blame him? Dave and I are pretty awesome, I bet most people cry when we leave the room haa haa. He still has blue eyes, I think they're here to stay :)
Well, that's a little update! I think I'm going to head out and enjoy the sunshine.
Me Ka Aloha (with love)
- Elisabeth
Posted by Elisabeth at 9:13 AM 0 comments
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