First Day of School!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The day before school started we took Rosie out for ice cream (just Dave and I) to let her know how special she is too us, how much we love her, and how proud and happy we are that she will be going to school. Dave also gave her a blessing, which he will do each year before school starts, and blessed her that she would learn a lot and love school and learn independence from myself and Dave. I also read her a book called "The Kissing Hand" which is about a raccoon going to school for the first time. The book is so cute and made me cry! I thought about Rosie being there without Dave or I and I worried that she would miss us. I know I sure missed her!

Well.... Rosie is now a "big girl" and already gone to two days of school. She was very excited when she saw her classroom for the first time and she didn't cry at all when we dropped her off. She stood in line with all her classmates and followed her teacher into the school. She told me that she really likes school and she loved ridding the tricycle in the play area. She was a little upset at school when they had to move away from the art portion of class, which I actually think is a positive thing. I'm glad she can focus on her task and that she's excited about art and completing her project to completion. She also got upset when she had to leave her placemat in the classroom. Rosie and I picked out a cute picture and wrote her name on it (had it laminated) and her placemat is very special to her. I guess she didn't understand that her placemat would be there everyday when she came to school. Any way, it doesn't matter because I asked her teacher if she could take it home with her every day. Here's a picture of my darling Rosie on her first day of school, with the hairband that I made her to match her uniform. (and a few cute pictures of Joseph and Michael)

Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth