My Kids Said....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lately the kids have been saying some pretty funny stuff (mostly Rosie). Before I forget, here's what they've been saying.

Rosie (as she watches Joseph get his diaper changed) "Eeewww that's be-gusting Joseph. I can't get married to you if you have a poo poo bum. I hate that."

Rosie (after coming home from a wedding) "I need to take off these fashion clothes and put on play clothes."

Rosie (someone was at the door) "Someone is here. I think it's Heavenly Father."

Joseph (after getting in trouble for opening my door while Michael was sleeping and pushing the siren on his firetruck, waking Michael.) "I do nothing Mommy, I do nothing." (obviously trying not to be sent to time out)
Joseph eating his favorite food, rice cakes.
Snow White and Joseph (with his baby) watching a show in my room.