There's about one month left in this pregnancy... WOO HOO!!! Despite my record breaking weight gain, it hasn't been too bad... oh and despite my puking and fatigue (who am I kidding, pregnancy sucks). I am so glad this is almost over and in a few weeks I'll be holding a brand new, beautiful baby (boy? girl?) in my arms. I'm so excited.
Speaking of babies, my cousin Emily just had a baby girl, last night actually! I haven't seen pictures yet, but she's 7 pounds 15 ounces and they named her Lauren. Congrats Emily and family!!
Well, this is just a short blog post to say that baby number 3 will be here soon! Oh and to tell you the funny thing Rosie said the other day. Rosie - "Mommy, I want to get married." Me - "ok you can when you're bigger." Rosie (stands on tiptoe) - "I'm bigger now, I'm ready!" Later on that day she looked at Joseph and said "Joseph, you're face is all messy. Nobody will marry you." Haa haa, that girl is obsessed with the idea of marriage. I think she just wants a fancy dress and flowers.
My next blog post will most likely be when the new baby arrives (unless I find the time to post some long awaited pictures).
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
One Month to Go!!
Saturday, April 30, 2011It's been a LONG while!
Friday, April 1, 2011I feel like I haven't updated this blog in FOREVER!! I started this blog in the first place to write about everything that's been happening in my life, so that when I'm old and forgetful, I'll have everything written down for my kids to read. I've been really bad at updating (sorry future self).
Ok first things first....
The new baby....
I went to the midwife this week and found out the baby is in a breached position, meaning the head is up, instead of down like it should be. I have about 9 weeks for the baby to turn around, but it still makes me a little nervous. If the baby doesn't turn around, I might have to have a C-section (something that terrifies me!) I can actually feel the baby's head at the top of my tummy which is pretty cool, and sometimes uncomfortable.
Naming the baby...
Again, like always, we're having a tough time coming up with a name for the baby. Dave has a few on his list that he LOVES, but I'm not the biggest fan. For example, he likes the name Victor for a boy. I find it too harsh sounding and I don't think it flows with the other names in our family. He also likes the name Wolf, but come on... WOLF??? That's just horrible. Also on his list of boy names are Will and Clayton. At least those are reasonable choices but neither sounds perfect to me. As for girls names he likes Juliet, Kelly, and Lucy. I like all of these but I don't LOVE them.... oh and besides, the baby's middle name will be Kelly (if it's a girl - Grandmother's maiden name) so obviously Kelly Kelly won't work.
I don't really like any boys names right now. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING feels right to me. If the baby is a boy I'm going to have to just "settle" on a name, something I would hate to do. I honestly check the baby name website on a daily basis for some inspiration and nothing jumps out at me. I see names that I think would be cool if someone else named their baby that, but nothing perfect for my baby. Maybe this just means I'm having a girl? As for girl names, well... there's a name that I love (I won't reveal that just yet) and I asked Dave about it. He said it was "ok" but not his first choice. I insisted that he re-think it because I think it's the perfect name if we have a girl. A few days later, with the baby name book in my hand, I said "Dave pick a number between 1 and 430 (or however many pages happened to be in the book)." He picked page 88. Then I asked him to pick a number between 1-10. He picked 8... WELL... guess what name it landed on?? It was the "perfect name" that I had mentioned to him earlier that week!!!! When I showed it to him he said "you gypsy woman!! How did you do that?" I didn't do anything, and I think by him "choosing" that name is a sign that we should choose it. We'll see. Dave still isn't convinced.
Rosie is cute as can be! We just signed her up for a program at the YMCA were she does crafts and plays games and then has a swim lesson. We can just drop her off and the instructors take care of the rest. It will be good for her to experience being away from Mom and Dad and interact with other kids and adults, plus I'm super happy about the swim lesson aspect. I'm nervous as heck to leave her alone for 2 hours, especially since she's shy about telling people when she has to go potty, but she starts JK in September so we all need to get used to it. I think I'm going to sit outside the room on her first day, just because I'm paranoid.
On another cute note, Rosie learned how to say the 3rd article of faith all by herself! She did it in primary and got a chocolate :) Oh and she's been jumping around a lot when she gets excited, not very gracefully, but maybe ballet lessons (next September) will fix that.
One more cute Rosie thing. When Joseph gets into trouble (throwing shoes off the shoe shelf, spilling Cheerios etc) Rosie will say "Joseph, Mommy and I aren't very happy about you. Please be more careful." And if he's really bad, he gets sent to timeout and Rosie will say "go to time out and get a bum smack. When you're ready to be a good boy you can come out." Hee hee she's a little mommy in the making :)
Joseph has become a little smartie pants. He knows pretty much all his letters, even most lower case. He will look at a book and point to the letters and name them. I'm so impressed considering he's not even two years old yet.
He's also been slowly getting into the "terrible two's" phase and protesting everything. If you say "Joseph come here and pick up your toys" Joseph will respond (while crying on the floor) "no thank you!" At least he's being polite haa haa.
Next week Joseph is going to get his first hair cut. I think he looks super cute with his crazy curly baby hair, but it is pretty long. I'll post pictures of that when it happens.
Any way, I know I promised to post pictures of all kinds of stuff from WAY earlier in the year. Maybe I'll do a blog post of just pictures. Ah, so much catching up to do...
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
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