Rosie has been interested in pulling books off the bookshelf lately, but not her books, you know the fun looking books with all the colors and pictures. No, she's apparently bored of her baby books. These days Rosie has been trying to read mine and Dave's books (does she even know what they're about? Maybe she's one of those freakishly smart kids and she's actually reading it?). The other day I caught her looking at "What to Expect When you're Expecting". Either she's preparing 20 years in advance, or she knows something I don't (I guess it IS possible that I'm preg, but unlikely). I also saw her looking at this book...Haa haa she's too funny!! On another note, I love the way Rosie asks for things. It was pretty rough teaching her at first to say "please". Some days she's absolutely refuse to (she sit there wailing an gnashing) and Dave and I would sit there with her (sometimes for over an hour) waiting for her to say "please." Now she knows to say it every time, but she ALWAYS says it 3 times. "Apple juice Mommy. Please please please." Ahhhh she's growing up faster that I ever could imagine and she's saying so much! Soon she'll be asking to borrow the car (yikes - Dave can deal with that one).
Well better run, Joseph just bit my knee (maybe he's hungry?)
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
Rosie is Cute When...
Saturday, April 24, 2010Posted by Elisabeth at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Is Joseph talking?
Thursday, April 15, 2010I forgot to mention this in my last post. When we were on our first test drive, Dave was driving, the car salesman was in the front passenger seat, and Joseph an I were sitting in the middle section. I think Joseph was really excited to be riding next to me and he was giggling and waving at me the entire time. I said "hi Joseph!" and then he said "eye dada." I thought, ok that's just a fluke, so I tried it again. "Joseph, say hi dada." He said it again, with the same tone as I did. He did this about 6 times in a row. Wow, what a smart boy! He's been saying it a lot lately. It's just too cute!
Today before bed I was hugging Rosie and I said "Rosie, can you say I love you?" "I love you, I love you, I love you." Then JOSEPH said "I dub you"! Ya I know right... he's totally TALKING! I tired again... "I love you" and Joseph repeated "I dub you." He said it with the exact same tone as I did! Rosie knows how to say I love you (well, she says I lub you) but she's too stubborn to say it most of the time. At least one of my kids, Mr. Lover Boy will say it often. I guess that's ok that Rosie refuses to say it as long as she keeps on giving me cuddly snuggles.
Speaking of Joseph, he just woke up and I can hear him crying in his bed. Will he ever learn to sleep trough the night? Maybe he could sense I was talking about him. I better go save him from his evil playpen.
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
Posted by Elisabeth at 11:40 PM 0 comments
Woo! We Found a New Car!!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010Finally after days of searching we purchased a new car! Like I said before, Dave really wanted a Toyota Sienna. I liked them too, but I wasn't totally convinced that it was the car for us, plus they're really expensive. Anyway, we looked and looked at a bunch of Toyotas, and I just didn't feel right about it. Not because they were bad cars or anything, but it was the price. We'd have to pay between $20 000 and $25 000 to get the year, model, and low km that we wanted, and I just didn't feel comfortable maxing ourselves out financially. Yes the Toyota is nice, roomy, cup holders and storage galore, perfect for road trips, but we don't NEED all that extra stuff right now. We have two small kids (2 years old and 10 months old), so they don't need a lot of leg room, plus their car seats already have their own cup holders built in. I told Dave that when we have four or more kids and the kids are older and bigger, then we will NEED a van and I'll agree to a Sienna right away.
So, on Monday night, after a long day of car shopping at dealerships and online, I some how convinced Dave to at least test drive a Ford Freestyle. He was pretty dead set against it. He said "sure fine, we'll LOOK at one, just to get it out of your system." We went to the Ford dealership near Dave's parents house and saw a beautiful sage green one that they just got in. It was $14999 and had 89 000 km on it. The downside (besides being a tad overpriced and a tad high in km) was that it didn't have side impact air bags or side curtain airbags. We took turns driving the car and I liked it, not my dream car, but I thought it was nice. After the drive, the guy of course, tried to sell it to us. Dave said we'd consider it if we could get it for $13000 including the trade in of our Ford Focus. WHAT?!? Did those words actually escape Dave's mouth? He's considering the Freestyle? I was shocked! Any way, it was getting late and the kids were getting crazy (mostly Rosie, she wanted to run around), plus I wasn't convinced that it was the best value and I really wanted those side air bags. We told the salesman that we'd call him in the morning and we left.
At home Dave got online and checkout out some other Freestyles on auto trader, just to see what they were going for. Then, we found something GREAT from a Ford dealer 45 minutes away! Same vehicle, same color, same price BUT 69 000 km. We called the dealership the next morning to make sure it was still there and that it hadn't been in any accidents. The car was there and it was accident free so we got ready and went to the dealership. When we got to the dealership I noticed that the sales manager was the same sales manager I worked for when I worked as a showroom greeter and receptionist WAY back when I was 18. What a small world! I was so glad to see a familiar face and I asked him to give us his nicest and best sales person because I was so sick of dealing with crapy ones. We went out back to check out the Freestyle. It was just like the other one we saw the night before, BUT it had some bonus features. This one had side impact airbags, side curtain airbags, dual climate controls, six passengers, and like I said before, 20 000 fewer km. It was PERFECT!!! I felt good about it the second I sat inside it. Dave took it for a test drive and when he got back we went to the office to make a deal. We wanted to get as much for our trade in as possible so that the price we would pay would be as close to $13000 as possible. We ended up getting it for $13500 (that's including what we got for our trade in). Dave signed the papers, paid a deposit, and now we wait until Monday to pick it up.
I'm really excited about our new car!! I'm glad we didn't max ourselves out financially, and I think it really suits our small family. It will also look better when Dave goes to business appointments, and it's the color we always wanted. It's funny that we ended up getting the car that I wanted. I knew from working in car sales from before, that the woman usually gets her way with cars, and it couldn't be more true in our situation. It's funny too because last week I joked on my facebook status "Dave and I are car shopping. 'I'll tell you one thing. I am not going to be one of those women schlepping her kids around in a minivan. I want an SUV... with 3 rows of seats' - Kelly Kappoor, The Office." and that's what I got haa haa. Once again, happy wife, happy life!! Now I have to pray that nothing goes wrong with this car otherwise it'll be "YOU wanted this car and look at all the problems....." Please Freestyle, be good to us! Any way, Dave and I are both really happy with our choice and we feel at peace.
Here's a picture of the new car, well, I should say SUV.Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
Posted by Elisabeth at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ford Freestyle, new car
Searching for a New Car
Sunday, April 11, 2010When Dave and I got married, I was working as a car sales person... ya I know right? Me? A car sales person? I don't exactly fit the stereotype of middle aged, balding, overweight, obnoxious, salesMAN. I worked for a Hyundai dealership and actually enjoyed it, for the most part. The particular dealership I worked for had a lot of really nice employees. Really, none of them fit that stereotype exactly. I mean, ya there were a few, slightly arrogant men there would had that "smooth" sales approach, mixed with a few curse words here and there (they tried to watch it when they were near me), but all in all, they wern't that bad. I mean, if I could wake up in the morning, and not dread going into work, then it was a pretty good place to work, considering it was still a car dealership. While I was working there, sold a car to an older gentleman. He was trading in his old Ford Focus for a new Elantra. He was actually really sad to give up his Ford, but the 5 year warranty was up and he believed in having a car under warranty. He didn't drive the car all that much and kept every single tune-up and oil change record. It was a well taken care of vehicle indeed. That old Ford became mine and Dave's first car. I bought it off the dealership for a very minor markup which worked perfectly for us newly weds.
Well, almost four years later, and two adorable kids later, we've (almost) outgrown our little Ford Focus. We know that if we have another baby, we'll need a new car. I'm not making any announcements here, I'm just saying, for the future. Plus, the car IS pretty old and won't last too much longer. So, car shopping we go!
Dave decided that he wanted a Toyota Sienna mini van. He got online and he researched for HOURS! He went on Consumer Reports and looked at the rating etc. He pretty much convinced himself that that's what we were getting. He found a van at a Toyota dealer in Toronto, within our price range, so yesterday we drove all the way there to see this van. Now, before we left, Dave asked me to say a prayer that we would find a good deal and choose the right car. Any way, we get to the dealership (it's some dumpy looking used Toyota dealer) and we take the burgundy Sienna for a test drive. Honestly, I wasn't trilled with it. It was ok I guess, but I just wasn't excited about it. I just had the feeling that the previous owners didn't take the best care of it. There were stains in the seats, some weather stripping falling off one of the windows, and the "conversation" mirror was missing. On top of that, the salesman was, well, I just didn't really like him. When we told him that we weren't 100% sure about buying the van he got kind of mad. He started saying "what's wrong with the van? you're not going to find a better deal anywhere else!" I asked to see an SUV and instead of being excited that we were looking at something more expensive, he started talking to me as if I was stupid for considering it. We told him that we wanted to see another van at another dealership and he proceeded to tell us that we'd be making a BIG and foolish mistake if we did. He was just talking to me as if I were stupid or something. Arrrgggg, why oh why are some people in sales? Why does he have to talk to people like that? He could have said "yes the SUV, with a 3rd row of seats could also work for you. It's a little more expensive, but you can always test drive one to compare." and "just so you know, our dealership has certified Toyota vehicles. We stand behind all our sales. If you don't find what you're looking for at the other dealership, I'd be happy to help you out." Doesn't he know that the "family" vehicle is mostly likely going to be MY vehicle and that he should be nice to me, or lose the sale? When I worked in sales I knew that the wife can almost always get her way when it comes to purchasing a family vehicle. If the wife isn't happy, they'll go somewhere else AND that's exactly what we did. I left the dealership more frustrated than before. I mean, the van was OK I guess, but I just wasn't 100% sold on it. I told the salesman that it liked it a little, but we just started looking and I'm not about to buy the first car we test drive. I said "you wouldn't buy the first house you ever saw, would you? Well, I'm not buying the first car I see, especially when I'm not 100% sure about it."
Alright, on to the next dealership. The next place was some small rinky-dink place and I immediately didn't feel good. The van there was really nice. It was the upgraded model of the burgundy one we just saw HOWEVER, when we went into the office (if you'd even call it that) the guy pulled out a calculator and started working out a deal. He had, what I call "cocaine fingers" meaning, random long fingernails that cocaine addicts use to get their fix. I saw something on TV about that a while ago and the salesman's nails just gave me the creeps! He gave Dave the accident report (which was from some random website I'd never heard of) and at the bottom of the page it said "from Quebec." TOTAL RED FLAG! The laws about reporting accidents and other things are different in Quebec, so you don't really know what you're getting when you buy a used car from Quebec. I quickly said "let's go!" and we were out of there in a flash.
Now I was more frustrated than ever. I felt like we had wasted so much time with lousy salesmen, all the way in Toronto. Man, I should have known this would be the case. I didn't feel good about going to Toronto in the first place. Plus, with my experience working in car sales, and my experience shopping for a car in the past, I should have known what to expect. Good sales people are far and few between, and dealing with a lousy salesperson is more hassle than it's worth.
Aside from all that, I saw a Toyota flyer in the mail and noticed one of the salesmen as someone I worked with in the past. I actually saw the flyer weeks ago and something inside me said "call him." Dave didn't want to buy from a Toyota dealership because he thinks they mark up the cars too high, so I never called. Now after our terrible experience, Dave agreed to let me call him. I called him and he's on the lookout for something good for us. When I called him I felt so much better about talking to someone who is a nice person, and professional in his dealings with clients. I also like that he works for a reputable dealership and sells certified vehicles. Who knows if we'll end up getting anything from him, but at least I feel like I'm dealing with an honest person.
So, Dave wants a Toyota, and I... well... I've been doing some research myself. I like the Toyota, and I don't doubt that it's a reliable van, but let's face it, it's expensive, even used. If we can get a good deal on one, GREAT, we'll get it, but I wanted to explore some other options. I checked out a few SUV cross-over vehicles and found two that I really liked. I like the Mazda 5, six seater, and the Ford Freestyle. Both have pretty good ratings and are MUCH cheaper than the Sienna. Maybe, just maybe I can convince Dave to look at some of those. I emailed a friend that works at a Ford dealership (a really nice guy that I know will treat us well) and he's looking into the Freestyle for me. It's good on gas, the same as the Toyota, and it's an SUV, so it looks cooler than a mini van. I think an SUV would be better for Dave when he drives to see clients and I like being higher up when I drive.
We're going out on Monday to shop some more. Wish us luck!
Posted by Elisabeth at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: car shopping
The Worst Day, with a Happy Ending
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
There are some days when I feel like I have nothing but bad luck on my side... like yesterday. Dave had a few business calls to make and we NEEDED groceries really badly, so I decided to play "Super Mom" and take the kids to the grocery store all by myself. Normally this would be easy for most other moms, but my kids are 10 months and 2.4 years old, so, not so easy in my case.
We arrived at the grocery store and found a parking spot kind of close to the entrance. I so wish our local store had designated "mothers" parking, but it doesn't. That's what we get for shopping at the "bargain" grocery store. Any way, I grab my diaper bag, about 8 reusable grocery bags (trying to save the environment, plus the store charges 5 cents per plastic bag), Joseph under one arm, and with whatever free finger I have left, I hold onto Rosie's hand and we walk to the shopping carts. Now, another "bonus" of shopping at the bargain grocery store, is that you have to put a quarter in the shopping cart to unlock it. This is supposed to prevent people from stealing them. Haa haa, it doesn't stop anyone from anything! I've seen my fair share of shopping carts from this store in dumpsters, bottom of ravines, and tipped over in the back of high schools. As if 25 cents is going to stop anyone!! Ok so, I have to reach into my pocket and somehow, pull out a quarter, put it into the slot, and yank the key-lock out to get a cart, all while holding a 25 pound baby, diaper bag, grocery bags, and while making sure Rosie doesn't run into the parking lot. Already I'm regretting this shopping trip. Next, Joseph goes into the front seat of the cart, Rosie goes into the main part with the shopping bags, and we head into the store.
As I shop, Joseph is trying to rip my shopping list into shreds and Rosie is getting annoyed with having to share her space with the food. Joseph turns around and grabs the package of chili seasoning and dumps on the ground. Next, he grabs the milk carton, and chucks it in front of me (I nearly trip over it). It's nap time, and Rosie starts to nod off, and people are giving me dirty looks for piling groceries around a sleeping toddler. As if! I know that nothing heavy is crushing her. All the heavy stuff is tucked around and behind her and only light stuff like bread and cookies are on her lap. It's not like I'm some trailer trash woman, who's over weight, wearing ghetto clothing, and have 6 kids (from 6 different men) screaming and messing up the store - not that it makes it right even then! I'm actually flabbergasted with the dirty looks people are giving me as I shop and one woman even said (in a nasty tone) "you know she's sleeping right?" YES, I am aware and I for one, think it's cute! No, I didn't say that, but I wish I had. I just smiled and said "I guess it's nap time."
So, on to the check out. As I bag my groceries, Joseph decides to turn around and pull Rosie's hair. He does this all the time at home. I really don't know what his fascination is with her hair, but he LOVES to pull it (poor Rosie). She of course starts crying. I don't know if she's more upset about the hair pulling, or the fact that she's been woken up. I quickly move her to the other end of the cart and tuck her legs in so I can put my bags in without crushing her. She wasn't thrilled with the new seating arrangement, but too bad.
Here's where the shopping trip becomes CRAZY! Yes, believe it or not, it get CRAZIER than it's already been. We walk out the door and realize that it's POURING rain!!! No wait, it's pouring buckets and we don't have an umbrella. So here I am, a cart full of groceries, and two crying kids and rain, rain, RAIN! I stood at the doorway for a second, trying to figure out my plan of attack. I'm trying to figure out how to keep the kids dry and how I can get them into the car as fast as possible. Should I tie a bag around their heads... haa haa NO, bad idea. Can I leave them under the part of the roof that sticks out (what do you call that anyway?) where they can stay dry, and pull up the car? I wasn't a fan of that idea either. I can just imagine the dirty looks I'd get for doing that, plus it's not the safest idea. So we just stood there under the roof. I watched about 5 people with umbrellas walk by, they saw my dilemma, but nobody offered any help. Then a man asked me to watch his cart so he could pull up his car. I said "sure" thinking that maybe, he'll offer to do the same. WISHFUL thinking! He loaded his groceries into his car and quickly drove away. Thanks JERK! The only thing to do was to run, run , RUN. I pulled Rosie's hood over her head and warned the kids "we have to hurry. It's raining really hard." I held a bag like an umbrella over Joseph's head and ran as fast as I could. People saw me, and just watched me and the kids get totally soaked. As I ran, a box of Cheerios fell out of my cart. A woman and her teenage daughters walked by and said "you dropped your Cheerios." Wow, thanks.... why didn't they pick it up for me? I had to run back and get them in the middle of the parking lot. The box was all soggy! At this point Rosie and Joseph are really upset. Joseph is making the most confused face ever, and rubbing the water off his face, and breathing quickly because the cold rain is shocking him. Rosie is trying to duck her head to avoid getting more and more wet and whimpering "Mommy!!". I wanted to cry myself! There's puddles everywhere in this crapy parking lot and I accidentally drive the cart right through one, soaking my shoes and the bottom half of my jeans, my favorite jeans!
Ok so we make it to the car, finally! Joseph is first out if the cart. I grab him and run to his side of the car and pop him into his seat and slam the door without buckling him in yet. I didn't think there was enough time to buckle him in because Rosie is still in the cart getting more and more soaked. I then grab the bag off of Rosie's lap and rush her into the car, again, not buckling her in because I need to get those darn groceries in the trunk. I shove the groceries into the trunk, and run the shopping cart back to the place where they keep them locked up (don't worry, the car is locked, nobody can nab my kids out of the car) I get my quarter back, and run back to the car. I run to Joseph's side of the car, buckle him in, run to Rosie's side of the car, buckle her in, and then get myself into the car, FINALLY. I am now soaked from head to toe. My long hair is dripping water into my eyes as I drive out of the parking lot.
By the time I get home, the rain has basically stopped (couldn't it have stopped 10 minutes ago?!?!) but at least I don't have to replay what happened at the grocery store getting the kids into the car, in reverse. I put Rosie and Joseph into the house and I go to get the groceries, trying not to step on the kids as I walk into the house, since they have a tendency to wait right by the door for me. I get into the house and whip off my soaking wet clothing, change the kids into warm dry clothing and complain to Dave about my trip while we put away the food. I'm so thankful he was home to comfort me, otherwise I think I would have cried for a good half an hour. I really don't know how single moms do it day in and day out.
The rest of my day went as usual and then bedtime came. We have a bedtime routine of family prayer, stories, and then I sing "I Feel my Savior's Love" all four verses before tucking the kids into bed. Dave read Rosie her book "Guess How Much I Love You" and I read to Joseph and sang him his song. Usually Joseph is rambunctious and hyper. He's usually kicking and waving his arms around while I sing to him, but not this time. Instead he wrapped his arms around me, and rested his little head against my shoulder, for the ENTIRE four verses. It was so darn cute! I guess it's not just those eyes that give him the "lover boy" nickname. It's been months since he's cuddled up to me like that and I almost forgot how great it feels when a baby is so affectionate. He must have known just what I needed after such a crazy day. I gave him a kiss and put him into his bed. He didn't cry or fuss, and just rolled onto his side and went to sleep. He's just such a sweet baby!
I love my kids so much and am so very grateful for the struggles and joy they bring into my life. I've learned so much from the few years of being a mother, and although it's hard sometimes (today) I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Me Ka Aloha
Posted by Elisabeth at 10:43 PM 0 comments
Labels: bedtime, grocery shopping, Joseph, rain, special moments
Dave went on a business trip...
Sunday, April 4, 2010Some of you might know by now that my husband has his own business. He's a CFP (Certified Finacial Planner). He does investments, mutual funds, RESP, RDSP, mortgages... you know all that financial stuff. He's doing really well and I'm very proud of his success so far. But that's not his only business.One of his old mission companions, Al, decided to move up here for a few months to go into business with Dave. While he was here, they decided to...
are you ready for this...
make an online quilt shop. Yes you heard me correctly, QUILTING, as in cottage-grandma-homemade-sewing-patchwork-fabric... ya!So I Al's mother and sisters are really into quilting and had started a little quilt shop in their small town, and Al and Dave thought it would work well if they had an online shop too. For 5 long months (while I was pregnant) they sat in Dave's office, in their pj's working day in and day out on this online shop. At first I was REALLY upset that they were doing this. I thought "they're both so talented. Why are they wasting their time (during a recession) on a stupid quilt shop? Who cares about quilts any way? They're old fashioned and you can buy them for cheap at Sears already made up." I was so annoyed that Al came up here, and totally threw Dave off his focus. I wanted Dave to work on his financial business and quit this online crap. Any way, I ignored them and never even went onto the website they made. It had been up and running for months and I had never visited the site because I was so annoyed.Then one day I decided to check out their selection of Christmas fabric because I wanted to make a Christmas craft. Well... I was shocked! The website was amazing. They did such a great job!!! The fabric selection was amazing too. I never knew that quilting fabric could be so beautiful. On top of that, I started watching the YouTube tutorials that Al's mother and sisters made. They explained all kinds of quilting techniques and ideas, and showed how easy it could be. I totally got bit by the quilting bug! Dave then told me that other quilters were loving their website too and on their busiest day they had 2500 sales!! Holy heck, I never knew quilting was so popular!
I promptly ordered some fabric for myself and got started on 2 quilts. The first one was for Joseph, and the other was for me. I used a fabric "jelly roll" called Flag Day Farm for Joseph's, and a "layer cake" called Fig and Plum for mine. I have to say, Fig and Plum is my all time favorite fabric line and I so wish I had yards and yards of the fabric. It's just plain gorgeous! When I was making the Fig and Plum quilt, Rosie came into the room and pushed a few buttons on the sewing machine. I didn't notice that she had adjusted the stitch and I went on sewing. I was done 27 out of 35 blocks when I realized what she had done and it NEEDED to be fixed! I was devastated to learn that I would have to pick out every seam and start over. It was a time consuming task, but I did it, and was so happy to see the end results.
So, my quilt tops were done and all that needed to be done was get some batting and backing fabric and sew the layers together. I wanted to wait until Dave or Al could bring them to Missouri, to the shop to have them machine quilted on their special long arm quilter. Finally Dave went on his business trip to Missouri last week and brought my quilts with him. Al's mother put them in the machine and finished the binding for me, and what an amazing job she did! I just couldn't stop looking at them because they turned out so beautifully!
Well, while Dave was gone for 4 days in Missouri, I stayed home with the kids. We went to visit Shannon and she showed me her freshly painted bedroom. I said "man, I wish Dave would let me paint our house. He always says we don't NEED to do it." Then Shannon suggested that we surprise Dave and paint while he's gone haa haa haa. I totally agreed that it would be so sneaky and fun and look great, so I got in the car, drove to the paint store and picked up some green paint. I had them color match cooking apple green by Farrow and Ball. The nerdy guy at the paint counter was totally hitting on me (I'm still flabbergasted as to why he would hit on a mother of 2, while I was dressed in old jeans and a zip-up hoodie). He told me he would come over and paint for me, said I certainly didn't look like woman who just had 2 kids, and that the "ginos" who just walked by were totally checking me out and that actually all the guys in the store were checking me out. CREEPY!
That night Shannon came over to help me paint after the kids went to bed. My friend Adam (who I've been running with) also came over to help paint. I also decided, that my ugly honey oak cupboards needed to be painted white, to match better with the green, so I started that too. The whole time I was painting I was thinking "oh man, Dave is going to be so pissed! He's going to divorce me for pulling this off without consulting." I thought that he would be really upset about painting over the oak. Shannon kept on saying "I'm scared!" The thing is, once we started painting so we couldn't stop. There was no turning back. All of us were up until 2:30 am painting. We were getting pretty tired and being really silly. At one point I said "what if someone drives by, sees Adam's car in my driveway at 2:30 am, and realized Dave's away. I can just imagine the rumors at church on Sunday." Adam kept on saying that he wanted to start his own reality show, "Two girls and a guy in a kitchen." LOL that could potentially sound bad, but hey, it was really late, we were beyond tired so anything was funny. We finished painting the walls, and I finished the first coat of paint on the cupboards. The next day I put a second coat of paint on the cupboards and it was looking REALLY good!
Dave came home on April Fools day and gotta say, I've never been so scared to see him. I made sure he called me 5 minutes before he came home, so I could prep him before he came inside. I met him outside and said "Dave, I have a surprise for you. It was Shannon's idea.There's an 80% chance you'll hate it and be mad at me, but I can't undo it, so please be nice."He walked in the door and immediately saw the green paint (I was totally holding my breath). "Ooohhh, nice. I love this green." said Dave. I thought "Pheeeew, he likes the green"! Then he rounded the corner and saw the painted over cupboards (with new brushed nickle knobs) and he said "honey, it looks awesome. I really love it. I can't believe you did all this while I was away. I should leave more often!" Man, I was so happy that he liked it!!! Oh, and I also put together a new bed that I got from Ikea, and decorated for Easter (and went for a 5 km run). Boy was Dave surprised! I totally didn't know I was capable of doing so much in such a short amount of time. I am of course thankful for Shannon and Adam's help painting, and Haley's help putting the bed together.The next day was Good Friday and we went to our church's breakfast and hike. Then we had a little Easter Egg hunt for Rosie. Saturday was General Conference, and Sunday we went to the in-laws for a turkey dinner.
It's been a BUSY week, that's for sure. Next week will also be pretty busy. I have to touch up some of the paint in the kitchen and do a bunch of laundry.
Now it's time to go to bed because my kids will be up around 7am!
Me Ka Aloha
- Elisabeth
Check out the quilting website
Posted by Elisabeth at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dave, Easter, kitchen make-over, paint, quilts, sewing